This is part of a transmission that took place in a group situation on July 30th, 2009.
Greeting little ones of Light. I am Commander Ashtar. I know you are all buzzing with the idea of why we are here, but we wish to be in your space, in your presence, to make your acquaintance and re-acquaintance because we are in your neighbourhood at the present moment.
We are three of a vanguard of spiritual beings who are converging in this area as we speak. Lord Sananda is part of this conference along with Lady Nada, Pallas Athena, John the Baptist, Archangels Raphael, Chamuel, Charity, Michael, and Gabriel. Mother Mary is coming but hasn't arrived yet.
We will stand behind you in a circle. You will be safe within our energy, but our combined energy may be a little disconcerting for you because it is different to yours and strong. Just breathe through it.
Our reason for being here is to build up energies in this part of the world, the Southern Hemisphere, to counteract and balance energies around three point of the Earth in the shape of a very large diamond triangle. Where we are is the apex with other points registering in Africa and Alaska. There are special people in these places in sync with us balancing the triangle also.
The Earth will very soon undertake or experience a major shift in energy. So we are preparing her and her people for this happening. It will not be destructive. It is a positive measure, but it may knock people sideways because of its strength and power. There will be further shifts leading up to 2012.
I now wish to explain about we three Intergalactic beings. For those who do know know us, I am Commander Ashtar along with Commanders Monika and Soltec. We are part of the Intergalactic Space Command and our leader is Lord Sananda whom you know as the Christ Jesus. We are very tall by human standards - into the seven foot range. We are slender with long limbs and wear what you would recognise as a white 'jumpsuit' which covers our entire body except for the face and hands. Our eyes are a little, in your words, alien, but there is nothing alien about us. We are part of God's family just as you are.
Our mothership is gigantic and contains both forests and oceans within her space. Whenever any part of the Universe is in need, we are usually the team sent to repair damage. We are multi-dimensional and can move in and out of any frequency at all, from the lightest to the densest. We are working non-stop at the moment to help Lady Gaia, Mother Earth, achieve her ascension and take her inhabitants with her, or as many who wish to go.
Many people think that I, Ashtar, have moved on. Know that I haven't and am still here assisting Earth and her people.
My love and blessings are with you.
Copyright Suzan Anzara 2009