Saturday, August 29, 2009

Rose Quartz Temple-Museum

In south western NSW on the etheric level, a huge Temple-Museum constructed from blocks of rose quartz crystal. It is so large that my human mind finds it nearly impossible to take in. When travelling toward this area, I am aware of its pulsing energy 30-40 kms away. The Temple was downloaded through the vortex in sections with each section then left to settle into place.

I have been shown several times to share this information, but only this year have had the means to do so. I hope my words help you experience this surreal happening. You may wonder about the why’s and wherefore’s of the Temple, but this information will resonate differently with each of you, so take from it what you are meant to.

Beginning 2003, I was part of the team that built the Rose Quartz Temple. I needed to rendezvous countless times with the Master Scientists involved who were active in this mission. I saw the Temple at each stage of construction and was simply overwhelmed at the time by its size and magnificence.

The Temple is actually a Museum that souls can access during their sleep or meditation state if they so desire. It houses knowledge relating to all religions known to man, both ancient and modern. It has been built in line with a strong energy grid over a gold seam within the Earth. It is not anchored into the Earth as such but hovers slightly above the surface.

In July of that year, the Temple was completed except for the Dome. The Temple is of a huge pyramid shape, consisting of three levels. The lower two levels each consist of seven floors. The floors are also rose quartz.

On the outside are two sets of steps approaching the Temple from each direction, north, south, east, west. The lower seven steps lead to the second level with another seven steps leading up to the third level. These steps are also built from rose quartz and are uniform in size. There is a walkway at the top of each set of stairs that traverses the whole Temple.

There is a raised square cut rose quartz pillar at the four corners of the top walkway. The science of this is beyond me, but these pillars are some kind of mechanism which rotate and align the Temple with major stellar happenings. These rotations can apply with each section singly, or in total.

The Temple moves in and out of different frequencies. It is only in Earth’s frequency at certain times, while at other times it isn’t. An order of monks act as care-takers and they answer questions and assist people in their quest for knowledge. I have met these monks, and return to assist them from time to time as well as to meditate with them.

A turquoise layer was inlaid into the inside walls where meaningful artefacts of every religion known to man are placed into niches carved into the rose quartz walls. As well as turquoise, a diamond inlay was added and where the sun strikes the Temple, all one can see is a magical rainbow effect. The energy magnitude of this simply blows the mind.

Ascending and descending moving stairways have been set into place inside the Temple from the top peak to the ground floor. They are accessible from both inside and out by sliding panels which open to and from each floor.

A feature of the ground floor is a most beautiful chapel. Its walls and floors are clear quartz crystal and it is traditional only in the sense that it has an altar, and benches for people to sit on. These are also made from clear quartz crystal.

In the centre of the altar, there is a large, single red chalcedony crystal that is so bright it seems to have an electric bulb within it. It radiates a specific energy field and encoding.

Behind the altar, there is, what at first appears to be, stunning stained glass windows, but is, in fact, a moving kaleidoscope of images and symbols relating to different eras of religions, such as Celtic mythology, Mayan, and other indigenous belief systems along with teachings of Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and others.

I do not have the words to describe the technology involved, but the colours and pictures depicted are formed by crystal laser light. It is a crystal laser light show which tells the story of man’s religious journey from ancient to modern times.

One can enter the chapel just to sit and be still or watch the religious history of mankind as it plays out before you. Each floor has an area and an attending monk for discussion about the artefacts displayed.

A huge gold dome with curved undersides was placed over the top of the Temple. This was the last structure to be added along with a diamond, triangular structure placed on the top of the dome with the apex pointing towards the heavens which acts as a beacon and draws energies into the Temple and its surrounds.

The Temple is an intriguing place to visit for those interested in religious history, architecture and design. One wonders why it was positioned in that location rather than elsewhere. It seems that the gold seam was a major factor providing a strong energy focus along with significant latitude and longitude coordinates.

As well as that, it is an exercise for us to help stretch our psychic perceptions to “see”, “sense”, and “experience” on the etheric level. I hope you are able to visit sometime to expand your consciousness and horizons.

Copyright Suzan Anzara

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Biblical channelling

This is the second part of a channelling I received some time ago. It is biblical in context with a powerful message. After great deliberation, I have decided to share it.

From the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit:

From the Godhead Divine comes the Ray of Light which, if allowed to shine, will transform thee into a being of Light which will carry thee forever in the river of holiness.

Always have by thy side the Angel of Peace, for to do so will make thy life easier and happier. Let that peace flow from thee to the one next to thee to ease worry, hurt and pain.

Touch each one who comes into thy life with that hand of peace and let them see and feel the power of the Lord. Most of all, be true to thyself in all ways never allowing doubt or fear to cloud thy judgement.

And so the Lord says:

To all my people I send my love, my peace and my protection. Come to know those whom to trust and those whom to flee from, for all works said to be done in the Name of the Lord are not necessarily so.
On the rostrum there are many who follow the wrong path and so take others along with them; be very careful of this and let the Holy Spirit be thy guide.

From the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.